Nowadays, women are supposed to work hand in hand with the men. That’s why we observe a lot of working women in different areas of life. The women perform their services and duties almost in all the areas of life. In a similar way, the women also perform their duties in the different areas of Sri Lanka. Like the other countries, the working women in Sri Lanka also face a lot of problems. If you don’t have an idea about these challenges, then you can get help from experts in academic writing services. The most common challenges that are faced by working women in Sri Lanka are given below;

1) The difference in the wages
If we take an overview of different statistics, then we come to know that there is a clear difference between the wages of women and men in Sri Lanka. On the other hand, if we talk about the performance of men and women, then we come to know that their performance level is equal in most of the departments. This thing creates a cause of discrimination among their minds.
2) Gender bias
It is a common observation that the men are given some unfair advantages over the women in almost all the private and government offices of Sri Lanka. In most of the organizations, the employers don’t prefer to hire women because they think that they can leave anytime due to marriage or the birth of a child.
3) Sexual harassment
The most common and shameful challenge that is faced by a woman at the workplace is sexual harassment. Due to these kinds of situations, it is not healthy and safe for the women to work. Its main reason is that most of the men consider that the working women are compromising in nature and they can easily prey upon them for their cruel deeds.
4) Balancing work and personal life
For a working woman, to keep a balance between her professional life and personal life is an unavoidable thing. There are totally different demands of work and home and to meet these demands is a real challenge for a woman. In the Sri Lankan culture, it is necessary for a woman to fulfil the demands of their home before anything else. Under these conditions, how is it possible for a woman to perform her professional duties in an effective way?
5) Husband’s insecurities
By living in the Sri Lankan culture, the husband of a working woman is also well aware of all the problems that are faced by the working women at the workplace. Therefore, to deal with the insecurities of her husband is also a real challenge for a working woman. Some husbands are supportive in nature and they allow their wives to work. To fulfil the insecurities of these husbands is not a big challenge. There are also some husbands who don’t like the interaction of their wives with male colleagues. To fulfil the insecurities of these husbands is a real challenge for the working women.
Some other challenges that are faced by working women at the workplace are male ego, in-office politics, and non-inclusive workplaces.
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