How To Make Dissertation Formatting Easier - Academic Feedback


Wednesday 3 October 2018

How To Make Dissertation Formatting Easier

When you are asked to write a dissertation, then some guidelines and requirements to write a dissertation are also provided. In these dissertation writing guidelines and requirements, the most important thing is that your dissertation should be written in the professional structure and format. Due to the lack of experience and dissertation writing skills, most of the students are not able to write a dissertation by following the professional structure and format and they try to get help from the expert writers of the dissertation writing services. Before going to write a dissertation in the best format, you should be well aware from the guidelines and requirements to write a dissertation in the professional structure and format. Here, we will discuss how to make dissertation formatting easier. 
1) In the dissertation formatting, first of all, there comes the font style, font size, and line spacing. Therefore, you should try to get the answers to three important questions. What should be the style of font, what should be the size of the font, and what should be spacing between the lines? Anyhow, mostly we use Times New Roman as a font style, 11 or 12 points is the font size, and 1.5 is the spacing between the lines.

2) To write a dissertation, you will have to place some tables and figures. You should be very careful while placing these tables and figures in your dissertation and try to provide numbers to all the tables, figures, and illustrations that you have placed in your dissertation. Never place these tables and figures without reading out the best guidelines for their exact placements.

3) To differentiate between the different chapters, sections, and subsections of your dissertation, you will have to use different kinds of heading styles. You should also try to get an idea about the exact use of these heading styles.

4) In order to avoid your dissertation from the plagiarism issues, you will have to provide a list of the resources from where you have gathered the data for your dissertation in the form of a references section. You can create a references section of your dissertation either by using the APA referencing style, MLA referencing style or Harvard referencing style. Therefore, you should also try to know which referencing style is best for your dissertation to create a references section of your dissertation.

5) Most of the dissertations are written in the MS Word. To understand the different sections of MS Word is also a real challenge for the students. Therefore, you should also be well aware from all the functions of the MS Word before going to write a dissertation in the best structure and format.

6) To provide a professional look to your dissertation, you should try to use the headers and footers. To get an idea about the correct usage of these headers and footers is also an important thing to write a dissertation in the professional structure and format.

7) You should also try to get an idea about the exact usage of page numbering in your dissertation. Usually, the page numbers are written on the right-hand corner of the pages.

8) To get an idea about the structure of title page and dissertation is also an important thing to write your dissertation by following the exact dissertation formatting guidelines.

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